Hermitage Elementary PTO partners with several retail programs that provide rewards and rebates for our school in return for purchases made by our community. Please take a few minutes to sign up! Be sure to share this information with grandparents, other relatives and friends as well. Anyone can support our school!
Attention Kroger shoppers! Did you know you can support Hermitage Elementary every time you buy groceries? Please take a moment to sign up if you haven't already! As a reminder, even if you've previously signed up, you need to re-enroll every August.) To get started, click on the Kroger Community Rewards icon and it will take you to their website. Sign up using your Plus Card and select "Hermitage Elementary PTO " as the organization that you want to support.
Love the convenience of shopping online at Amazon? Amazon will donate 0.5% of the prices of your eligible AmazonSmile items to the PTO. Click on the AmazonSmile icon to be taken to that section of their site. On your first visit select "Hermitage Elementary PTO" as your charitable organization. Then shop as you would typically on Amazon, with the added benefit of supporting the school.
You can support Hermitage Elementary every time you shop at Publix. Click on the Publix Partners icon, sign into your account and select "Hermitage Elementary School." Then enter your phone number at checkout every time you make an eligible purchase at the store.
Collect box tops from participating products this year and send them in when we announce a collection date. For a list of participating products click or tap on the Box Tops icon.